Mientras una pintura avanza lentamente en el horizonte (encontrandose aún en condiciones poco aptas para su exhibición), aquí presento unos bocetos, en lápiz, tinta china y birome, de rostros y figuras humanas. Algo como una pequeña gimnasia para mantener los músculos dibujeriles a tono.

2 comentarios:
Ariel, these are very beautiful drawings. I like the eyes on the last one most of all. The second one reminds me of Bill Compton from the 'True Blood' Series. Nice!
Sheila! Thanks a lot for your visit and for your comments. I'm glad that you like these sketches. In many cases, I ruined them once I progress, Lol. Is necessary to know when stop oneself!
The second one was a live drawing, a work colleague during a meeting that mysteriously hold his position all the time! (I think I wasn't paying all the attention that the meeting required... )
Well, thanks again!
I really appreciate your comments.
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