25 mayo 2010


Esto de pintar del natural me está gustando MUCHO. Aquí, un retrato de Jorge, con quien mientras lo pintaba, charlábamos, tomábamos café y comíamos brownie. Un buen momento y una grata experiencia.
Gracias por posar!

Óleo sobre cartón entelado.
Una sesión de dos horas aprox., más unos retoques ya sin el modelo presente.

6 comentarios:

Jez dijo...

Hi Ariel, this is wonderful work mate, and in only two hours? I'd be lucky to figure out what colour to use for the skin in that time lol. Glad to see you are still painting

Ariel Gulluni dijo...

Hi Jade!
Thanks for visiting and commenting again! :)

And yes, I'm still painting!
This year began very slowly, but I'm here again.

Concerning the skin: is a fight that is never over. I always struggle with that aspect. Too much chroma, too violet, too yellow... the skin is soo sublte...
I try too keep in mind two or three "rules":
a. the skin is usually less saturated than we think (I try too cool down)
b. The nose and the checks usually are slightly redder than the forehead and the chin
c. In the shadows, in the areas where the skin is transparent and the light is passing through, the chrome rise.

WHITE (a lot)
Naples yellow
Raw sienna
Burnt sienna
Cadmium Red (just a little)
Alizarin Chrimson
Permanent Rose
Raw umber
Burnt Umber
Burnt Umber
Cobal blue
Ultramarin Blue

Camie Isabella Salaz dijo...

Beautiful Portrait!

Ariel Gulluni dijo...

Thank you Camie! When a painter which I admire gives a positive comment of one of my paintings I feel truly honored!

In this quick portrait from life, I wasn't able to control the chroma (I think mainly for the not fixed charcoal of the under drawing).

mariana semino dijo...

Muy bueno este retrato, me gusta mucho

Anónimo dijo...

Muy bueno el retrato. Me encanta la pintura al natural, ¡vale el triple!